able gallery berlin, © Marie d'Ornano, 2011
Knyppel is a collaboration between Ann Rosén and Fredrik Olofsson. With the unusual interfaces of lace pillows and embroidery hoops, they struggle to control a noisy audiovisual system. The system produces sound and graphics that are not always pleasant, and as Ann and Fredrik try to push it to their liking, an endless rabbit chase starts - a man-machine feedback loop. As with all feedback systems, it gets interesting only when there is some kind of ‘dirt’ in the feedback chain and no side wins. Here the dirt is the textile controllers and the duo’s inability to master them. They are built so that the performers just cannot react and counteract with speed, planning and precision. The performance by Knyppel highlights questions of what is fake and what is real, what is a call and what is a valid response, who or what made which sound?
We're generating all sounds and graphics in realtime using SuperCollider
and a Nord modular G2 engine. And we preferably perform in a 4-channel
speaker system. For projection we bring our own completely round screen.
3-5nov 2017, glowingelectronics, vardagsrummet, sweden, http://glowingelectronics.se/?p=22
thu 27nov 2014, ausland, berlin, http://ausland-berlin.de/+schhh-label-night-norelius-hellstrombowers
sat 25jan 2014, nk, berlin, http://nkprojekt.de
fri 30may 2012, body controlled #3, leap, berlin, http://leap-berlin.tumblr.com/bc03
thu 6okt 2011, Farahnaz Hatam + Knyppel, able, berlin, http://kultur-able.com
photos from our live performances:
screenshots of the graphics generated from our sounds:
Excerpt from performance at NK Berlin 25 January 2014. Camera: Sten-Olof Hellström
Excerpt from performance at Kulture-able Berlin 6 October 2011. Camera: Pär Thörn